Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mindmapping My Digital Identity

Using  I mapped how I plan to develop and enhance my digital identity.  I plan to start development by focusing on three areas,  my blog, my personal learning network, and my digital learning hub.  The mind map visually represents how I want to build up my digital identity.  The three areas are  represented in a different color and show subordinate details.   My blog is in blue. In my blog, I will write about my teaching practices and reflect on lessons and tools I have utilized in the classroom. I hope to develop and perfect practices based on comments and my personal reflection.  My audience are my colleagues and other interested professionals.  

The second area of my plan, represented in green, is my personal learning network. This area includes informational websites, networks, communities, and groups of professionals that share my similar interests and from which I can learn.  This area is representative of my professional development. I also expect to collaborate and work with my peers and participate in discussions about areas of learning that impact my students.

The third area of my plan, represented in red, is my my digital learning hub. Recently, I have been focusing and contemplating the development of this area.  This area of my online identity reflects the goals and learning objectives I have for my students. My digital learning hub will be a learning resource for my students to use. I plan to include video tutorials on how to use various tools and how to perform tasks such as searching for images that have a usage right “free to use or share”. Thus far, I have created one video tutorial on how to use Animoto software.  I am planning on targeting other tools such as the mind mapping tool,, that I used to create the above mindmap.   In addition, I plan to also include links to free websites that students can use in their research. These include such website as ICONN, CIA World Facts, and Nations Encyclopedia.  In my digital learning hub, I will also include online materials that students will use during assignments. For example, materials needed for a website evaluation lesson will be stored in my digital learning hub.  The learning hub will offer quick and easy access to these materials.  Student can review materials and concepts as needed.  I also plan to add to my digital learning hub a series of booktalks made by students. Throughout the years, I have collected several video booktalks of books from our school’s library collection. My digital learning hub will serve as an interface for booktalks. This will be helpful to students in search of that “just right” book. It will also be a motivator for student who are creating the booktalk because their booktalks will be available on the digital learning hub for others to view.

I am eager to begin the work of building up my digital identity.  I have already started the initial identity maintenance by changing my Google profile to display the information I want.   I believe by building up my digital identity I will be empowered and I will in turn empower my students.


  1. Very organized mindmap Nancy, with a very clear, succinct explanation of your PLN's. How was to use? I had a very difficult time with Connected-mind.

  2. This was very interesting to see. Many others used coggle so it was nice to see something different. Awesome Job!!

  3. Nancy nice job, you are quite "connected" and it was a pleasure reading your plan. The use of color was helpful for me to see commonalities.

  4. Great idea about the video book talks created by students. Your mindmap is very detailed and organized.
