In today’s technology enriched world, teachers need to use technology to make learning more engaging and authentic, and to teach the skills that students will need for their future. Teaching in the digital era requires teachers to use effective teaching strategies and embed technology in their lessons.
For my final assignment to my EDUC7726 Teaching, Learning, and Assessing in the Digital Era, I will summarize my learning. I used Popplet software to create a pictorial representation of my learning. My Popplet can be found at the end of this post. It has the specifics and details of my learning. I chose to use Popplet to document my learning because it was easy to learn and it was free.
In order to be an effective teacher in today’s world, teachers must meet the diverse learning needs of their student. Universal Design for Learning is a method that teachers can use to develop lessons that meet the diverse learning needs of their students. Teachers also need to use effective teaching strategies such as those identified in Robert Marzano’s “9 Highly Effective Teaching Strategies” and John Hattie’s research on improving student learning and achievement will help teachers design lessons that will help students learn.
Dr. Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR model identifies the opportunity to use technology in lessons. The model matches the type of technology tool needed for a specific task.
Technology has many affordances for teaching, learning, and assessment. Students can use technology to collaborate, communicate, create, and use critical thinking skills as they read, write, and create online content. When teachers integrate technology effectively it leads to improved instruction. Teachers are able to meet the diverse learning needs of their students by providing learning materials in multimodal format. Teachers can use technology to assess students during instruction. Assessment data can be used by teachers to determine how instruction should proceed and what learning scaffolds need to be put in place. Technology supports the symbiotic relationship between assessment and learning.
The following are benefits of using technology in teaching and assessment
- learning is authentic because students are using real world tools
- 21st century skills are practiced and developed
- facilitates the evaluation and assessment of student work
- learning materials and assignment can be presented in a variety of ways
- data collected through assessments can be used to drive instruction
- it promotes self and peer review
Technology supports student centered learning. Student centered learning activities utilizes students’ interests and strengths to achieve improved student learning. Providing students with choices on what they want to learn, how they want to learn it, and how they want to show what they’ve learn are elements of student centered learning. Students take ownership of their learning and are engaged with their learning. Teachers become facilitators to support students in their learning. Using a student centered learning approach helps prepare students to become lifelong learners.
Click here to access my Popplet.
You blog is a fine summary of our work but when I made the Popplet big enough to see, the words became blurry. Any ideas on how I can get a clearer copy?