Sunday, March 16, 2014

Using Thinglink In the Classroom

Thinglink is a free software tool that allows the user to add/embed multimedia files to an image.  It offers teachers a way of integrating multimedia information in lessons, and it allows students to practice 21st century skills.  In the video that follows, I present the benefits of using Thinglink in the classroom.

Teachers interested in using Thinglink will want to share with students how to quickly get started using Thinglink. I developed the next tutorial as an introduction on how to build a Thinglink multimedia project. This video is suitable for students and teachers who want to get started using Thinglink.

Thinglink allows students to be creative in interpreting and presenting information.  It provides the tools for students to present their ideas and understanding using multimedia content.   It is also a helpful tool for teachers.  The program's multimedia characteristic enables teachers to address the needs of the various learning styles that may be present in their classrooms.  Thinglink's educational platform helps teachers collect and organize their students projects, and allows younger students access to use the program to create multimedia projects.

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