Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Learning Hub

In an effort to help my students easily locate information resources, I will develop a digital learning hub.  In this space I hope to provide them with information about working online, links to online resources, and a place to showcase their work. I plan to use Google sites to create my learning hub. I have been using other Google applications (docs, forms, and presenter) and hope that by staying within the Google umbrella an opportunity to easily integrate these other Google applications exist.

My learning hub will include:

  • Information and reminders about being good online citizens. Policies on Bring Your Own Device. I plan to use text, pictures, and videos.

  • Links to reference sites such as atlases, encyclopedias, almanacs, dictionaries and thesauruses, and Khan Academy.

  • Video tutorials on how to perform research tasks such as using Google image search and other power searching options of Google.  Other tutorials on new technologies such as Google docs. My school is beginning to use Google docs.

  • Promote reading - Creating  1) “Wildcat Reads”, a student generated list of must reads. 2) links to sites that contain free digital reading resources.  3) Incorporating a space for students to leave recommendations on books that should be purchased for the school library 4) Video of student book talks.

  • Showcase student work - video book talks, and student generated Public Service Announcements such as BYOD and Positive Behavior Support

This is my initial plan. I expect adjustments will be needed as I develop and implement my learning hub. I am excited about the opportunity. I feel it will be a source of information for my students and also a way to showcase their work and ideas. I will be sharing my progress with you.

1 comment:

  1. HI Nancy, this is great. I really appreciate how you work to promote elements of your philosophy (the promotion of reading) through interactive elements of your website. I look forward to seeing how you build it up over time. Good luck!!!
